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Researchers and faculty of the Institute of Life Sciences will attend the “25th Session of the International Poplar Commission” in Berlin

Publication date: 31.08.2016
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Researchers and faculty of the Institute of Life Sciences will attend the “25th Session of the International Poplar Commission” in Berlin on 13-15 September 2016.

The conference is organized by the International Poplar Commission, one of the oldest statutory bodies within the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

The Sant’Anna School Institute of Life Sciences will give three oral presentations of their research:

  1. Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products: Populus alba phenotyping and uptake – speaker Erika Pierattini, PhD student of Agrobioscience program.

  2. Study of transporters of HMA and NRAMP family in wild type and transgenic line (35S::aqua1) of Populus alba stressed with cadmium– speaker Andrea Neri, PhD student of Agrobioscience program.

  3. Poplar for environmental restoration: Physiological and molecular approaches for heavy metal and organic molecule – speaker Luca Sebastiani, professor of Sant’Anna School who currently serves as Director of the Institute of Life Sciences.